继前年的《捉妖记》被指票房作秀之后白虎 porn,本年的行动大片《叶问3》又堕入“作秀”风云。官方走访恶果表示,该片存在非昔日本事诞妄好看的征象。查实的场次有7600余场、触及票房3200万元。
A moviegoer walks past a poster of Ip Man 3 in Yichang, Hubei province. The film's distributor was put under investigation for buying tickets itself to bolster box office numbers. LIU JUNFENG / FOR CHINA DAILY
China Daily:
The phantom screenings of the martial arts flick Ip Man 3, starring Donnie Yen and Mike Tyson, has attracted global attention.行动电影《叶问3》的诞妄好看步履引大家慈祥白虎 porn,该片由甄子丹和泰森主演。
Investigators said last month that the film's main distributor bought 56 million yuan ($8.65 million) worth of the tickets itself to bolster box office numbers. In addition, Beijing Max Screen, also known as Dayinmu Film Distribution, admitted fabricating more than 7,600 screenings that it claimed generated millions of yuan more.走访东谈主员上月暗示,该片的主要刊行方自行购买了价值5600万元的电影票,以举高票房数字。另外,大银幕刊行公司承认安排了7600余场诞妄放映场次,触及票房上千万元。
China box office scam: Phantom screenings and fake sales中国票房诓骗:阴魂场和诞妄售票
The country's film industry regulator has said the distributor of the martial arts movie "Ip Man 3" , Dayinmu Film Distribution, faked box office receipts to exaggerate the takings for the movie, which stars former boxer Mike Tyson and Hong Kong actor Donnie Yen.电影行业经管部门暗示,功夫电影《叶问3》刊行方大银幕刊行公司臆造票房收入,夸大影片收益。该片由拳击明星泰森和香港演员甄子丹主演。
在上述的报谈中,咱们齐看到了phantom screening这个抒发,screening指电影的放映,phantom承诺指“阴魂,幻觉的”,第四色有部很闻明的歌剧及同名改编电影叫The Phantom of the Opera(剧院魅影)。既然是“阴魂,幻觉”,那么phantom在这里等于指“不信得过的,臆造的”道理。
体当今电影票房作秀的操作上等于,与刊行方互助的影院除了白昼贸易时段排片之外,还会在凌早安排多个“场场爆满”的场次,这些场次天然基本莫得不雅众,关联词由刊行方出钱购买的票房如故会归入影片的全体票房的。这种放映面容等于“阴魂场”(phantom screening)。
另外,对于“票房作秀”愈加直不雅的抒发等于box office fraud和fake box office receipt。
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